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April NEWS

April !  Spring is HERE !  A time of blooming and bounce.  A time of new beginnings…  That really resonates here right now.  I am leaping into full-time ScruffyDog even earlier than expected !  April 25th is the day I leave work for good.  It was originally August… then end May… now April.    Oh my word !!!  *pop


March proved to be a monster month… Working most weekends at Fairs, taking part in the daily #MarchMeetTheMaker Challenge on Instagram and having a month long promotion via British Crafters… I have connected with so so many new people either in person or online…  It’s been so fabulous…  exhausting, absolutely… but so worth it.   Now it’s simply up to me to keep this momentum rumbling on !  I have all sorts of ideas !  So watch OUT !


This weekend sees me out and about again !  On Sunday you can find me at Kelmarsh Hall… it’s their Artisan Fair and Spring Walk !  You can find me alongside a heap of other lovely crafters and makers ! 

As well as online either via my Website or my little Etsy Shop… You can also find a large dollop of my work inside the ScruffyDog cabinet at Vintage Guru in Northampton.  Perched at the top end of St Giles Street you can’t miss it !  Such a wonderful building stuffed full of all kinds of everything !   Absolutely well worth a visit !!!  It has been interesting nattering to Folks at the events I have been trading at… spreading the word… as you do…  People really do recognise the small business treasures that trade down St Giles Street… It’s fair to say that our Town Centre, like many others across the country is not how it once was… but St Giles Street is bucking that trend massively and it was heartening to hear local folks chatter about it so enthusiastically…  so very thrilled to be a tiny part of it !  I am a Northampton Girl !!! 


Short and sweet this month…  Life is kind of extremely bonkers !  I’m currently fuelled on hot sweet tea and chocolate hob nobs !   I’m really looking forward to having so much more time to dedicate to all things ScruffyDog  and then having time to give back to myself and my Family… little things like getting my veg patch back up and running,  homecooked meals, waking up under my own steam, spending as much time outside as possible,  retaming the laundry pile… getting a 1001 jobs done that need doing around our home.   I feel so giddy thinking about it !