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Blog #9 Winter 2023

Well HELLO !!! How is everyone ?
Already it's February !!!   I wave goodbye to January... always a peculiar month for most makers.. after the somewhat intense madness of the run up to Christmas... January is a time to get straight... get organised for the new year ahead, order more stationery, tweak the stall display... and also, have a little breathing space to simply play... work on ideas and experiment with new designs that have been bubbling about the head... and just enjoy the pleasure of simply making... after all... I do this because I love it !

So... let's plunge straight in... It's less than 2 weeks until Valentines Day ! Now me and Mr D are going to be celebrating 30years of knowing each other this year ! Gadzooks... and in all that time... we have never really taken February 14th very seriously... a beautifully worded card... absolutely... but pressies... we have a strict limit and it has to be proper daft ! So over the years I've had a Dr Who mask, a Bodie (from the Professionals) (swoon) mug, a giant smiley cookie... you get the idea... but that's us... For those of you more romantic of souls... there is a great collection of possible gift ideas perched on the virtual ScruffyDogShelves... and don't forget everything arrives beautifully giftwrapped - so saves you a job there !
loveheart earrings
It's also time to begin getting out and about again! I think this is one of the aspects of ScruffyDog I love the most... Setting out my ScruffyDogShop and meeting folks face to face...

So here are some dates I have planned at time of scribbling this blog !!!

Saturday 11th March - ScruffyDogPopUpShop - trading out of Cookie The CamperVan - Duston Village Bakery, Northampton... *just in time for MOTHERS DAY which happens to be the week after (Sunday 19th March)...

Sunday 26th March - Grendon Daffodil Festival - St Mary's Church... now I have been lucky enough to do this a few times now and it's an absolute favourite of mine...

Sunday 2nd April - Kelmarsh Hall Spring Walk & Artisan Fair - again trading out the back of my lovely campervan... Let there be spring sunshine !

Sunday 16th April - Dogfest at Pitsford Quarry - TBC at the mo - just awaiting all the details from the organisers...  I know last year I heard this was a fab event... so was thrilled to be invited to keep this date free for the ScruffyDogPopUpShop to park up and show off my sparklies !

Saturday 22nd April - Spring Fair at the Eco Village Market Harborough - a brand new and exciting venue for me to try my luck at...  more details to follow nearer the time... 

What else have I been up to... well if you follow me on the socials... You will know I am still flinging myself into Castle Ashby lake each Friday morning ! A couple of weeks ago was the absolute coldest I have ever swum... just 1.2°C... my bum went numb... then overnight the lake froze solid and all swimming was cancelled for a week or more !!! That was a huge achievement and has secured me my Falcon Open Water Swimmers sub 3°C badge !!! So now I have the full set ! Which makes me very happy ! I do love a badge! Mr D got me a dunk tank for the back garden at Christmas so during the recent cold spell I have been smashing the ice for a quick wallow to help wake me up !!! It really makes you feel sparkly !!! Honest !

I have somehow also stumbled into joining the lovely folks at Northants Tri Club for coached swim sessions... this I find I absolutely love ! They have taught me to swim front crawl... and are now helping me perfect my technique and help improve my fitness... from this I now seem to have fallen into joining them at the track and having very slowly started to run... I am not exactly built for running being a big lass in everyway but slowly slowly does it ! I do enjoy this too in a strange way ! More than anything else I'm loving getting out of an evening - especially in dark old January and meeting new faces and making new friends... I absolutely love what I do... but it can get quite solitary and this rebalances things and might even be good for me !!! Rebalances the cake intake !!! Everything is all about balance !!  I hope to do my very first ParkRun tomorrow !  So wish me luck !!!

Right - enough chatter for a bit !  I have new work to list to my little online shop !  There is ALWAYS something needed to be done !

Catch you later !

Steph x

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