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March NEWS

In a blink of an eye !!! It’s March !!! I am loving the lighter mornings and longer evenings… everything is starting to wake up ! Even I have a little extra bounce… there are all sorts of things happening !!! Some I’ve planned, some have popped up quite unexpectedly !


Let’s begin with those unexpected things first… I was so very chuffed to be invited by one of my fabulous suppliers, Kernowcraft, to feature in their ‘Meet the Jeweller’ blog and natter specifically about my workshop space and how I keep it organised… So I got to natter about my little Shed at the bottom of the garden and all those crazy things I use for storage! It’s a good read and I am so proud ! Never done anything like this before… should you like to have a look… here is the link !!! 


I managed to catch the Flu at the beginning of February… or a variation of… and felt so very rough I camped out on the sofa and was unable to venture into the Shed at all. All my Stephie energy and creativity just vanished… so I decided to blast it with total rest, homemade hot toddy’s, marzipan fruits and endless episodes of Kojak… I also used that enforced sit down time to create another collection on my Website… the Best Friend Collection… a selection of my silverwork dedicated to all things DOG !!! Many classic designs... many can be customised to make them extra meaningful for the wearer. So in a way… perfect timing with me scooting off to Crufts later this week !  

I decided to join in with #MarchMeetTheMaker, which is a 31 day Instagram Challenge, set by Joanne Hawker that runs throughout March every year. But it's more than just a challenge, it's a creative community that comes together to show people what they can do. It's about building each other up, making new connections, telling your small business story, growing your confidence (and Instagram following) and most importantly, it's about putting yourself out there. It’s something I have done before but a couple of years ago and think it’s absolutely time to do it again… its huge fun for me and I hope you enjoy it too ! 





March is also the month I chose back in the beginning of the New Year to be promoted on British Crafters… never done this before either ! So really am unsure what to expect and so far have been bowled over by the extra traffic bouncing into my ScruffyDog world in particular Twitter and Pinterest… neither of which are something I utilise very well at all… and now I am having to learn quick on my feet !!! It’s always good to learn new things !!! It is rather amazing to be scooting through your newsfeed and then you stumble over your own work ! I will never get used to that !! Never ever !!!







It’s also a month of getting out and about at Fairs ! It IS all go !!! I already have 2 under my belt… last weekend saw me at the University of Northampton for a Winter Walk and Fair Day in aid of Macmillan… it was a brilliant fun day for both me and Mr D… I think this picture says it all !!!


This weekend saw me return to the madness that is the MKHandmade and Vintage Weekender… just recovering from that one ! Easily the biggest show I do… thousands and thousands of shoppers ! I have a great crew of wonderful Scruffy Dog Customers who never fail to stop by and say hello, show off their silver… offer to cover the stall whilst I pop to the loo or bring me drinks… the Cake Fairy arrived and left me 2 boxes filled with amazing homebake… It’s just an amazing weekend… and I am still buzzing ! Up next is Crufts on Friday and then…


16th March – Vintage Craft Fair at Abington Park Museum

30th March – Daffodil Festival in Grendon

7th April – Artisan Fair and Spring Walk at Kelmarsh Hall


On top of all THAT… the orderbook is brimming full and I am taking annual leave from the day job to catch up with all things ScruffyDog… that is an amazing situation to be in and again quite unexpected !!!


Enough nattering for a bit ! I think I need to go grab a brew !!!


Thank you so very much for all your fantastic support which comes to me in so very many different ways… I really do appreciate it all.


Catch you later !

