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February NEWS

Hello HELLO !  Here we are... February already !!!  It's Blog o'Clock !

Grab yourself a brew and a couple of your favourite biscuits and have a read.
Back to January… typically a quieter month in the world of a maker has been anything but !!  It’s been a month of stretching my bubble and taking a leap…

The sparkly new Scruffy Dog website went LIVE…  I’ve done it deliberately low-key… taking tentative steps as, I’ll be honest… I wasn’t quite sure what I was doing… Yep… I’ve built this one myself and I am very much learning as I go…  I’ve discovered how to create shoppable posts both on Facebook and Instagram… meaning folks can browse\buy direct from a picture that pops up on their newsfeed…  how swizzy is that !!! I have taken my first handful of orders and enquiries seem to be rolling in… Now I am more familiar with it all, my confidence is growing it will be time to start promoting it a little more!  My ‘Off The Peg’ Collection of favourite designs that can be made to order is gently building too…  It’s all evolving in a lovely way… and when I actually stop for five minutes… I can’t believe how far it’s come inside a month !  If I can do this… seriously, anyone can ! 

My other really REALLY exciting news… is…  I’m venturing back into a proper bricks and mortar shop… I am so excited !  VINTAGE GURU is a fabulous place to visit…  it’s the big, beautiful red bricked building situated at the top end of St Giles Street in Northampton.   It’s an emporium filled with all things Vintage, Retro, Upcycled and Handmade… you never ever know what you could find inside…  It not only gives heaps of local independents a chance to get on the high street but just as importantly it also gives folks good reason to venture back into our town centre…  St Giles Street itself is a gem… full of determined businesses wanting to make a difference... I am thrilled to become a tiny part of it.   Open until 7pm weeknights… again its offering that something a little different…  

So what do I hope February to bring !!!  Well – for me… I plan to be squirrelled away inside The Shed making a heap of stock for the Spring Fairs I have booked in the diary…  I’m looking forward to it… nothing but getting the paws dirty, slurping tea and cracking on making beautiful treasures ! 

My happy place !

Here is where you can find me out and about !!!